And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:32
“Why lie when the truth will do”? How many times have you heard that statement? I ventured to guess it has been a lot. So, why is it that lying is so prevalent? While I wish I could provide you with a real reason, truth is, I just don’t know. Some say that lies are used as a means of justification for committing wrongful acts based on poor decision-making skills. Some say, it is a way to protect and/or spare the feelings of those they love. Personally, I believe lying is simply a cowardly attempt to avoid a consequence. Lying does not protect or shield you or your love ones. It simply hides the truth. God’s love goes beyond all realms of our imagination. Yet, he has not and never will lie to us. In John 14:6 God states, “I am the way the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father except through Me”. Simply put, God is absolute truth. He will Never change who He is to spare our feelings or maintain a relationship with us. He does, however, want those of us who choose to follow and serve Him to join Him one day. For those who choose to follow Satan, the father of deceit, Psalms 101:7 states, “He that worth deceit shall not dwell within my house; he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight”. God’s word gives us guidance, power, and strength to remain truth to God always. If we fall short and yield to our carnal man 2 Timothy 3:16 reminds us that “All scripture is given be inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”. We must stand firm girding ourselves with the loins of truth because the Truth NEVER Change.
If we want to grow as Christians, we must learn the voice of truth. The truth is the light of the world and that light JESUS. It is important that we do not allow our inner core to become weaken and vulnerable to the devices of Satan. Satan is the father of lies. His mission is to deceive, steal, kill and destroy by any means necessary. He uses the device of lying to keep create turmoil in our lives and to keep us in bondage. We can John 8:36 boldly states that, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed”. So when we don’t tell the truth according to God’s word; we are outside of GOD’s plan. The truth is a way of life, and we must ask for GOD’s help every day because the carnal man is enmity against GOD’s word. We must worship God in spirit and in truth.
Lord, I boldly come before you asking that you fill me with the courage to walk in all your ways. Fill me with discernment, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of your truth. Help me to always recognize your voice. I do not want to fall prey to the Satan’s deceitful ways. I want to walk upright before you. I want my words and my actions to be reflective of the truth. Lord, you and you alone are the truth. It is my desire Lord to draw others unto you through truth. This and all prayers I ask in the mighty name of Jesus, the Christ. Amen! Amen!!
Sister Tamela