SCRIPTURE VERSE: Hosea 1:2 (GW )" When the Lord first spoke to Hosea, the Lord told him, “marry a prostitute, and have children with that prostitute. The people have acted like prostitutes and abandoned the Lord. "
I want to focus on a specific type of relationship, suffering relationships. Often times we as a people tend to gravitate towards simplicity, things that require little effort, that result in feelings of peace and happiness. On the contrary, we abandon situations that cause us hurt, disappointment or suffering that usually takes hard work and dedication. We become relaxed in complacency.
The relationship between Hosea and Gomer speaks of one that is suffering, one that most would not dare to pursue. Hosea, the prophet, was instructed by God to marry a prostitute, Gomer. In this text, Hosea’s life if symbolic of God’s undying love for His people. Prostitution in this context could mean the actual practice of prostitution and could also represent worshipping things other than the most high God.
In so many ways we are like Gomer. We allow things or people to interfere with or interrupt our relationship with God. Our prayer life is replaced with getting that one extra hour of sleep or watching a series of our favorite show. Our bible study time is sacrificed due to the incalculable amount of time spent on social media. When our actions display that other things are more important to us than or relationship with God, we hurt God just like Gomer’s unfaithfulness hurt Hosea. Our relationship with God determines how healthy our relationships are with others because it serves as the foundation of how we interact and how we treat others.
Dear God, I realize that there may be things in my life that’s causing my relationship with you to suffer. I humbly pray that you would open my eyes to those things or people and that you would help me remove them completely. Give me the strength and wisdom to work on any relationship that you have ordained in my life that may be suffering. Teach me to display love as you have displayed your undying love towards me. I realize there must be an inward turn, therefore, I invite you to be the interior decorator of my life. In Jesus name, AMEN.
I invite you to examine your relationship with God. Do you have time set aside each day to communicate with Him, to study His word, for praise and worship and to reflect on all he has done in your life? Are there things that you need to remove from your daily routine or people you need to eliminate from your circle in order to heal your suffering relationship with God, the lover of your soul?
Sis Selika Newton