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This is a Serious Matter


Proverbs 16:3

Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.


The commitment to God is a serious matter. It is more than a promise to do or give. It is a state or quality of being dedicated and maintaining long after the initial excitement is gone. As Christians, we are obligated to submit ourselves to God and withhold nothing. Sometimes, we may find ourselves giving what is often considered lip service even though our intentions are genuine. Providing lip service without action does NOT demonstrate a commitment to God or for filled His requirements.

It is our actions that prove our commitment to God. If we find ourselves living a lifestyle that interferes with our commitment to God, we should take time to reflect and remember who we are and who we represent. Romans 12:1 states, that we should present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service. As Christians, we should live our lives the way God has instructed us. We should not allow ourselves to sway or take detours by committing one minute and put to the side the next. He is the reason that we live and breathe each day. During the times of heartache and struggles and we feel as though we are alone, He is there to comfort us and resolve the situation. His commitment to us is real. Our commitment to Him should be real too.


God loves us. He accepts us. He knows our hearts. He is there when no one else is around. He comforts, listens, guides, carries, and does whatever we need. He does not let our attitudes, our lack of eagerness, our temporary memory loss or anything stop Him from being our Lord and Savior. He is totally commitment to us. There is absolutely no reason or excuse for us to not commit to Him. He deserves our time, tithes, and talents. Committing to God is not a game. IT IS A SERIOUS MATTER.


Lord, I came before you with pure intentions asking for your help and guidance. I know that I do not always commit to your will. I humbly acknowledge my short comings. I admit that I sometimes get caught up with my personal affairs and those of the world. I have allowed people, things, and pride to hinder and distract me from being committed to you. I realize that there is no justification for my lack of commitment. Lord, I humbly bow before you to ask for forgiveness. Please forgive me for not putting you first in my life. Forgive me for all the excuses and for all the lip service without action. Lord, forgive me for the negative thoughts that overtook me when I was asked to do something for you that I felt was beneath me or I just did not want to do. Lord, cleanse my heart and my mind. Renew my spirit. Ignite the fire in me that I once had to do your will. Lord, change my mindset. Lord make me over, call me, and use me. Help me to be completely commitment to you. This and all prayers, I ask in the magnificent name of Jesus Christ.

Humbly submitted by,

Sister Tamela West

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