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Working it OUT!!!!!


Romans 8:28 KJV

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


There are many times when we find ourselves faced with situations that we feel may be hard to accept. However, God has already instilled in us the ability to see our way through. He has given us confirmation in Phil 4:13 when he informs us that through him, we can do all things that strengthen us. So, in other words, God gives us the strength to withstand any situation that may come our way. All we must do is lean on and trust in him. No matter what we may face, think, or feel, we must continue to stand strong. We do this by accepting what lays ahead. By loving those who have wronged us, mending broken relationships, and seeking God for help and guidance. The enemy knows that he is challenged simply because you have accepted Christ into your heart and life and you now no longer fight any battle or challenge alone.


Dear God, As I take one day at a time and one situation at a time, Grant me the serenity to accept the things that I can not change, courage to change the things that I can, and wisdom to know the difference just for today. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.


God gives us his Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth so that we can prepare ourselves to handle the hard and tough situations as well as accept God’s perfect timing and his perfect will. Whenever things look like they are too hard to bear, remember that God is always there, and he will help you through it. Just continue to praise God and give him thanks for he is truly worthy.

Sister Jennifer Moses

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